Get out of Debt the Smart Way

We have found a blast from the past when we looked back on our SmartDebt campaign!

During this campaign, we drove a Smart car around the city to generate awareness for our campaign and to help inform the public about our efforts of helping Newfoundlanders and Labradorians get out of debt – the smart way.

Take a quick read below to see the blog that we released those many years ago!

When you’re overburdened by debt, it can be hard to think about anything else. It affects your life in ways you probably never would have imagined. was dedicated to helping people like you get beyond your difficulties, and develop a financially sound foundation for the future.

Part of the process of resolving a debt problem is educating yourself – and the best way to get relevant, reliable information is from a CIRP. A CIRP is qualified to help you in more ways than one. A CIRP can develop a debt management program, file a Proposal to creditors on your behalf, provide credit counselling, and advise you about debt consolidation loans to help you avoid bankruptcy. If bankruptcy is your only option, a CIRP member on Janes & Noseworthy Limited’s team can guide you through the process with expertise, ethics and empathy, so that you can get a fresh start toward a brighter financial future, faster.

CIRPs are the only professionals who can administer a bankruptcy or proposal to creditors. CIRPs are independent, and focus on making sure that all debtors who seek their advice understand the implications of all options.

While Janes & Noseworthy Limited administers more bankruptcies than any other firm in Newfoundland and Labrador – more often than not Janes & Noseworthy Limited professionals are able to find other ways to help overwhelmed consumer debtors get back on their feet.

So if you’d like to start working your way out of debt the smart way visit, or call one of the professionals at Janes and Noseworthy Limited for a free confidential assessment – It could be the beginning of your debt free life! Offices located throughout Newfoundland and Labrador: Call toll-free 1-800-563-9779.

While the information within is still correct, it is amazing to see how much we have changed as an organization and as a province!

Until next time, please continue to follow us on Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter as relevant and helpful information continues to be released.

Ian Penney – CPA, CA, CIRP, Licensed Insolvency Trustee

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