“It’s OK!” – Lea’s Story

St. John’s musician and yoga instructor, Lea decided to share her story to help fellow Newfoundlanders and Labradorians shed the stigma of financial hardship and seek out the debt solutions they need and deserve!

Watch Lea’s Story about her Personal Journey to Take Control

Lea’s debt “wasn’t an astronomical amount”, she recounts, but she was having trouble paying it off by herself because she still had to pay off her regular bills, car payments, and insurance. Lea says that “after a few months of panic and denial, [she] finally realized [she] needed help” — that’s when she reached out to Janes & Noseworthy!

“I heard about debt solutions and consumer proposals, and thought ‘It’s OK – I can do this.’ I made an appointment, and we decided bankruptcy was my best option [. . .]. At first, I felt so ashamed, but the people at Janes & Noseworthy really took care of me.

Lea met with one of our Licensed Insolvency Trustees: they provided counselling and developed a plan to track her spending and avoid future debt. She recalls that, “counselling from the trustees motivated me to learn about what I could do differently, and better: I wanted to learn, and grow – and they wanted that for me too. It was the support I needed.

After getting help with her debt, Lea had the energy, the headspace, and the time to start her own yoga business! This positive mental shift played a role in why she decided to share her story. For Lea, it is important for others to know that, “bankruptcy, or a consumer proposal, or whatever help you get, is not the end, it’s just the beginning!

Everyone talks about the hardship that comes from money troubles. The stress. The weight. The strain on relationships. Debt solutions take all of that away! [. . .] It’s a reset; a chance to start again with knowledge and support and people in your corner.

Lea recalls that the people at Janes & Noseworthy reassured her that financial rough patches are very common, and that getting help was the right thing to do.

If you or anyone you know around the province needs the kind of help that motivated and empowered Lea, please reach out to the expert team of Licensed Insolvency Trustees at Janes & Noseworthy online, by phone at 1-800-563-9779, or by email at info@janesnoseworthy.ca.

It’s OK to get help!

 Watch Lea’s Story about how Janes & Noseworthy Helped Her

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